Friday 14 December 2012


Yesterday morning I woke up from a good relaxing night and found an internet coffee shop to skype with a few friends from home.

I then set out for Paï where the gang already is.

A mini-bus took us through the curviest roads I've witnessed yet, and I kept wondering how the hell they achieved this feat and how long it must have taken them.

After 2 hours of sickening frantic driving through jungle, the trees diminished enough on my left to unveal a scenery of mountain tops and orange sunset.

A military check-up and 2 more hours and I was in Paï, hanging out with the crew. We ate some Phad Thaï and proceeded to get hammered at Yellow Sun, a cool little bar.

We then went back to the house we were renting and chilled out on the balcony, drinking rum n coke and watching the meteor shower.

This morning I woke up and had the shakes from a Changover. We all went for breakfast and had a good laugh, then all got out on our scooters. I set off on my own for about 20 minutes for a dip in a freezing pond at the foot of a small waterfall.

I then went back to our group of friends who were at a Piranha fishing farm. We spent a good 2 hours there, drinking beer, casting lines, hanging out and relaxing. We're still here at the moment, the owners are heavily-tattooed australians who figured out a righ way to live.

There's 2 Thaï kids playing around and 4 puppies sucking on a bitch's swollen teets, while the male tries to eat the fish bait from unsuspecting fishermen.

Ben's the only one who caught something, a common silver barb, he estimates the weigh at 1kg.

I almost crashed driving there because a fucking chicken crissed the road at the worst possible moment. I hit the brakes and hurt my toe a little bit since I was only wearing slippers, but the main danger was averted.

Some dogs started barking at me and I tried to explain to them that I just saved that chicken's life, but I think they only spoke Thaï and Bark.

Tonigh will probably be spent lounging around drinking local rum... The night should be quiet, there's a regga festival going on but we decided not to go.

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